“2023 Scary CV Images” Recap and On-Demand Access for Members

The spooky season has not ended yet until we have our GHSEV Scary Cardiovascular Images competition! We had an outstanding turnout, with seven echocardiography labs from the Houston area submitting cases and a total of twelve cases that were presented. The competition was intense and frightening!

Firstly, we would like to thank GE Healthcare for sponsoring the event. We went straight to presenting cases, and one by one, each lab exhibited scary cardiovascular images ranging from complications from congenital diseases to dislodged devices to cardiac masses, with key teaching points after each case.

The competition was close! As chosen by our audience in person and online, Dr. Patrick Kee (UTH) won first place, Charlotte Andis (BSLMC) came in second, and Yousif Abed (BSLMC) won third! Congratulations to all those who presented–it was challenging to select three winners!

Members who missed the event can view it below (please log in first). CME credit is only available for live attendees. 

Save the Date: the annual holiday-themed educational event will be on December 14, 2024, at the Hilton Medical Center! We look forward to seeing everyone there, and stay tuned for more details soon!

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