GHSEV Quarterly Meeting: Dr. Kara Thompson

Hello, GHSEV!

We would like to say thank you to Dr. Kara Thompson for a great talk on cardiac masses and tumors yesterday!  This was not only a great refresher on the differential diagnosis and presentation of benign and malignant cardiac tumors (and pseudo-masses), but an excellent learning opportunity for those taking boards soon. We would like to also thank the members that were able to attend, though unfortunately many were not available.  For those who were not able to attend, Dr. Thompson’s slides are now available in our website (registered members only). We hope to see more of you at the next meeting in September.  And, of course a big THANK YOU to our sponsor yesterday evening, GE Healthcare, for the great food and excellent equipment. 

As you all know, the GHSEV has been going through some changes.  Our website looks great, and we are working to make some progress on our social media platforms.  We strongly encourage you to please create a log in and update your information.  We are working on making it our main way of communication to all of you.  The log in process is easy and you will automatically receive reminders about our meetings, and your current membership status.

Thank you again, for your support and membership.  We hope to see you all at the next meeting.

Thank you,